Sand is used as a filter media in Water Treatment Plant. The principle function of preparing a sand bad is to arrest suspended particles from the liquid media, mostly water. This is done by passing the water through the compact bed wherein suspended particles are trapped inside void space between different particles of sand.
It is periodically required to clean the sand bed by back washing, there by achieving the original like performance from bed. Sand filters are applicable for Water Treatment and Wastewater Treatment as well as in specific process area.

Quartz sand is used as a filter media in water treatment plants in PSF/DMF.
The principal function is to hold the suspended particles from water, which is trapped inside the void space between different particles of sand.
It is periodically required to clean the sand bed by backwashing so as to achieve the original like performance from filter bed.
The specific advantage over river sand is the high hardness due to high silica content and thus very low attrition loss.