Regular grade is Anthracite, which can be used in filter media in open and closed filter for water and waste water treatment. It’s regular shape is suitable for single and multi-layer filtration. It slow density in wet condition enables low backwash rate.
- High solid retention capacity because of its fractured irregular shape.
- Higher service velocity and longer filter run when compared to sand filter.
- Low back wash water consumption.
- High filtration efficiency due to higher voids holding capacity as compared to Sand Media.
- Less head loss as compared to filter sand.
- Removal of suspended matters and turbidity from surface water, spring & well, waste water & effluent.
- Treatment of closed circuit service and processed water.
- Filtration of water from scum gutter of swimming pool.
- Filtration of waste water.
- Filtration of flocculated water after clarifier.
- Separation of coagulated oil particles from condensate/effluent.

Premium grade is an Anthracite filter media which is used in open and closed filter for filtration of brine apart from corrosive liquid. It’s irregular shape is suitable for single and multilayer filtration. Low density in wet condition enable low backwash rate.
Clarified brine is pumped into Anthracite filter for removal of suspended solids. Normally suspended solid load after clarifier is in the range of 10-15 ppm. It has been our experience that if clarifier is designed for maximum solids 20ppm at the outlet then low leakage of suspended solids and longer service run Of anthracite filter can be ensured.
- High solid retention capacity because of it’s fractured irregular shape.
- Low backwash water consumption.
- Filtration of brine and corrosive influent.
- Separation of coagulated oil particles in condensate/effluent.